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TOPIC: People should care about the truth because it is helpful to see reality.
KEY POINTS: The last thing a fish would recognize is that it is surrounded by water.  Do you recognize that you are surrounded by bullshit?
BENEFIT OF REVIEWING THIS MATERIAL: Recognizing the problem is half solving it.


The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

Stupid people are everywhere. And, as we all know, no class, race, sex, occupation, political affiliation, country of origin, or degree of wealth has a monopoly on stupidity. Stupid people cause profound damage to individuals and to society at large. But, for the most part, stupid people operate in a kind of anonymity. Consequently, we are frequently ambushed by them and pay the often hefty price.

 Ignorance is a choice:

These are a few statistics of literacy in America:

  • 50% of U.S. adults are unable to read an 8th grade level book
  • 33% of U.S. high school graduates will never read a book after high school
  • 42% of college students will never read another book after they graduate
  • 80% of U.S. families did not buy a book this year
  • 70% of adults have not been in a book store in the past 5 years
  • American high school students today are reading books intended for children with reading levels of a 10 year old

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Bonus: Tragedy & Hope 101



The Content You Consume Becomes Your Reality

TOPIC: You are what you eat…

KEY POINTS: Recognition that YOU should take responsibility for what you give your attention to.

BENEFIT OF REVIEWING THIS MATERIAL: Ability to create your own reality.

Length of video: 56 minutes.



More here:

Bob Proctor – How Your Thought’s Become Things – The Process of Creation


Being in the flow: Where energy moves in the direction of our intentions

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Land of the Free


Freed Slaves

TOPIC: Oh say can  you can SEE the engines of Domination?

KEY POINTS: Are you guided by an inner natural spirit or are you manipulated by mass delusion?
BENEFIT OF REVIEWING THIS MATERIAL: You may actually become part of the solution instead of remaining part of the problem.

LENGTH OF VIDEO: fifty nine minutes


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And in a fractal version of the societal engine, the actual engine / machine vs man.

First the UK  with BREXIT, now France: Protestors Rise Up In Their Millions Against Ruling Class

The tide is turning, it is safe to join humanity